The charity supported by this project
The following is a charity that, for personal reasons, I am extremely grateful to. As an expression of that gratitude and in support of their work, I have enabled the Donations facility in PseudoQ's project pages on Sourceforge. If you feel PseudoQ is good enough to be worth something, or simply wish to express your support, please consider making a donation. All money donated (minus Sourceforge's transaction processing fee) will go to the charity.
SANDS (The Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society)
Established in 1981,
charity which gives support to bereaved parents and their families whose babies
are stillborn or die soon after birth. They operate a national helpline,
produce a range of support literature and other resources, promote research
into the causes of stillbirths and neonatal deaths, and organise a network of
local support groups. Many of these groups work with their local hospitals to
improve facilities for bereaved parents. More details about the charity's
work and activities can be found on their
web site.
If you are a UK tax payer, you may wish to donate through JustGiving instead, and Gift Aid your donation. That way, the charity receives an extra 28% on your donation from the Treasury (plus, if you are a higher rate tax payer, you can reclaim part of the donation on your tax return). If you do choose this method of donating, please let me know as I won't be notified otherwise, and I'd like to keep track of how much (or how little) PseudoQ has raised.